c program to find length of characters in a string

In this program, you will calculate the length of a character in a string without counting space.

int main()
  char a[50];
  int c=0,i;
  printf("\nenter a string:");
     if(a[i]!=' ')
 printf("length of character are %d",c);
enter a string:welcome to Studyfame.com
 length of character are 22

explanation of character count in the string program

  1. Take input from a user by using the gets() method and store value in a variable a.
  2. Iterate the loop from 0 to \0 (end of a string).
  3. Inside loop check, if the current iteration doesn't contain space then increment c value. variable c is used for counting characters in strings.
  4. After the end of a loop, print the total count of characters in a string.

Count character using while loop

In this C program, you will take input from the user and count the total number of characters in a string by using a while loop.


int main() {
  char a[50];
  int c = 0, i = 0;
  printf("\nenter a string:");
  // take input from a user
  while (a[i] != '\0') {
    if (a[i] != ' '){
  printf("length of character in string are: %d", c);
  return 0;
enter a string:studyfame
length of character in string are: 9

Count character using do while loop

This program is the same as the above program only here we are using the do-while loop.


int main() {
  char a[50];
  int c = 0, i = 0;
  printf("\nenter a string:");
    if (a[i] != ' '){
  }while (a[i] != '\0');
  printf("length of character in string are: %d", c);
  return 0;
enter a string:learn from studyfame
length of character in string are: 18