C program to convert uppercase to lowercase and vice versa

In this program, you will learn how you can convert strings from uppercase to lowercase and lowercase to uppercase. In C language every character represents an integer value known as ASCII. ASCII value of small (a-z) are (97-122) and capital (A-Z) are (65-90)

small       capital
a   97      A   65
b   98      B   66
c   99      C   67
.           . 
.           .
.           .
z   122     Z   90            

Convert string case program in c

void main()
 char str[20];
 int i;
 printf("\n enter a string:");
    //it will convert lowercase to uppercase
    if(str[i]>=97 && str[i]<=122)
    //it will convert uppercase to lowercase
    else if(str[i]>=65 && str[i]<=90)
 printf(" %s",str);


enter a string:WELcome TO MY Website
welCOME to my wEBSITE

Convert string case using pointer

int main()
	char a[20],*p;
	int c=0,i;
	printf("\nenter a string:");
	if(*(p+i)>='a' && *(p+i)<='z')   
	else if(*(p+i)>='A' && *(p+i)<='Z')
	return 0;


enter a string:WELcome TO MY Website
welCOME to my wEBSITE

explanation of string case conversion

  • input string from the user, and store it some variable say str
  • run the loop from 0 till end of string
  • When you want to change from lowercase to uppercase, you have to substract the ASCII value of lowercase letters to 32.why subtracting it with 32 because diffrence of a-A=32
  • For example a-32=A i.e 97-32=65
  • When you want to change from uppercase to lowercase, you have to add the ASCII value of uppercase letters to 32.
  • For example A+32=a i.e 65+32=97
  • 65 is ASCII value of capital A and 97 is ASCII value of small